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[2024-01-16 12:27:45] [email protected]: #书评 #海丹 :《评〈中国传统租佃的情理结构〉|十九世纪晚期的地方社会与国家治理》,发表于《#澎湃新闻 · #上海书评》2024年1月13日。#地方文献 #地方档案 #晚清史 #LateQing #巴县档案 #Qing@Qingist

[2024-01-11 00:19:42] [email protected]: @Qingist I am very happy to announce that this paper on Fugitive Law has been published!! Please see the latest issue of Journal Renmin University of China, 2024, 38:1, pp. 139-148. You can also find a draft on my Academia.edu site: https://www.academia.edu/113286176 Also, I am submitting my second paper on this topic! #Qing #LegalHistory

[2024-01-07 22:16:24] [email protected]: @plausistory @Qingist

[2024-01-07 16:46:31] [email protected]: Happy to see my review of 化家为国 on Shanghai Review! I am thankful for the author Huang Lijun's fantastic work, and the SR editor's generosity and tolerance for delaying. https://m.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_25897748@Qingist #Qing #History #Histodon #China

[2023-12-04 23:38:43] [email protected]: [CW] 郭忠华:早期近代中国公民身份的构建

Guo, Zhonghua. ‘From Ethnic Segregation to Equal Political Status: The Making of the Concept of Citizenship in Early Modern China’. Citizenship Studies 0, no. 0 (2023): 1–17. DOI:10.1080/13621025.2023.2287822.ABSTRACT‘Political equality’ is regarded as inherent to the nature of citizenship, but the traditional #Chinese concept of ‘ #ethnic segregation’ runs counter to this idea. A shift away from this concept has been a prerequisite for the development of modern Chinese #citizenship. In the mid-18th century, the #Qing Dynasty was at the point of transition from tradition to modernity. Hua – Yi segregation put the Qing rulers under great pressure due to their origins as an ethnic minority. #Confucian intellectuals such as Zeng Jing used this concept to challenge the political legitimacy of the Qing Dynasty, and rulers such as #Yongzheng took advantage of this opportunity to replace the conception of ethnic segregation with that of equal political status through political debate and mass education. The concept of Hua – Yi segregation, which had lasted for nearly 3,000 years in #China, then gradually faded away. The development of the new approach thus laid the foundation for the acceptance of the Western concept of citizenship. Chinese citizenship therefore has both internal and external cultural roots. The development of citizenship in China shows the importance of ‘after Orientalism’ in citizenship studies.@Qingist #清代 #社会史 #政治史

[2023-12-01 00:10:20] [email protected]: [CW] 宋念申:盛京的朝鮮使臣與番僧

Song, Nianshen. ‘“Those Ridiculous Monks”: The Failed Encounter between Korea and Tibetan Buddhism in Qing Mukden’. Inner Asia 25, no. 2 (17 November 2023): 206–26. https://doi.org/10.1163/22105018-02502020.Abstract: During the #Qing Dynasty (1636–1911), #Chosŏn #Korean tributary envoys regularly sent to Beijing normally stopped for a few days en route in #Mukden (Shenyang), the Qing’s secondary capital and the largest city in #Manchuria. There they visited one of the local attractions, royal #Tibetan Buddhist temples, particularly the Shishengsi, the largest monastery in the city. What drew the envoys to the royal temples? How did they interact with the Mongol lamas? What was their first impression of Tibetan Buddhism – a religion at once familiar and foreign to them? Using extensive records left by the Korean envoys (Yŏnhaengnok), this paper examines the under-studied historical encounter between Korean literati and Tibetan Buddhism. Although not always consistent, the understanding and misunderstanding that the Koreans had with the religion, I argue, reflects their rather complex political and cultural attitudes towards the Qing – a regime that, in the eyes of the Koreans, simultaneously represented China and non-China. The Manchu capital, Mukden, which was closely linked with both Beijing and the Inner Asian frontiers, provided a meeting ground for different ethnic groups, cultures and values in the late Imperial period. The episode demonstrates an initial interaction between East Asia and Inner Asia. Furthermore, by examining how information about Qing Inner Asian politics was filtered and (mis)understood by Koreans, the paper challenges the popular myth that more information naturally leads to comprehensive knowledge.@Qingist #清代#中外关系史#中韩关系史

[2023-11-24 20:49:03] [email protected]: Glad to hear that #ElizabethKaske is writing a book about #OfficePurchase in late #Qing. This will be the second masterpiece on office purchase (juanna) institution in English world. Office purchase is the second most key approach to obtain a position in government -- either to get the first title or to seek to be promoted from a previous one. Unfortunately, this approach is far less known to most researchers than the famous civil examination institution. In Chinese we have Xu Daling's monograph in 1950, then not until Wu Yue publishes his essays can we advance this discussion in 2013 -- 60 years later than Xu! Lawrence Zhang's research is a milestone for English readers that he focuses on the first part of Qing Juanna #history , uncovering the impact of this system to the High Qing society. Elizabeth Kaske will be the next scholar giving a comprehensive argument in this field. @Qingist

[2023-07-05 16:58:46] [email protected]: Event for Chinese #legalhistory this Sat. (07/08), Beijing: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/M_U5ndKv-s_930be28RLVALocation: China University of Political Science and Law (Haidian Campus)I am presenting recent research on Fugitive Law (逃人法) in early #Qing era (c. 1644-1658). Welcome to our discussion! @Qingist

[2023-05-10 16:48:23] [email protected]: [ #podcast ] #PamelaCrossley : History and Identity in #Qing Imperial Ideologyhttp://www.chinesehistorypodcast.com/e/professor-pamela-crossley-on-history-and-identity-in-qing-imperial-ideology/Contributors: Pamela Crossley (Charles and Elfriede Collis Professor of History at Dartmouth University); Yiming Ha (Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History, UCLA). Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w5ULrqieMSn6cmNDjTyTSTlXMP7LqD3QS6oiQyn_vRc/edit?usp=sharing#ChineseHistory @Qingist @newqinghistory (Thanks for sharing from @weictsai !)

[2023-04-26 10:15:32] [email protected]: 【#讲座信息 】杨念群:“ #大一统 ”——一个中国 #历史理论 的核心观念,2023-04-29 北京时间20:00 (美东时间8:00),ZOOM (需要报名)。题目:“大一统 ”:一个中国历史理论的核心观念主讲人: #杨念群评议人: #欧立德 ( #MarkElliott )主持人: #孙江时间:2023-04-29 北京时间20:00,美东时间上午8:00。注册网址:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6016820032661/WN_beXZ6kTaR_OHHPcQEuuRCQ#/registration@lecture @newqinghistory @Qingist #中国史 #清史#政治文化

[2023-03-19 19:36:53] [email protected]: A #BookReview on A World Trimmed with Fur: https://book.douban.com/review/15047609/@Qingist

[2023-01-28 22:17:57] [email protected]: 2022年12月出版的新一期 #清史问题 已经上线:https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/49890本期内容包括:#法律史赵梦蝶对 #大明律 中“杀奸杀双”相关规定演变过程的研究;Zhao, Mengdie. “‘Killing the Adulterer’: Masculine Revenge Fantasies in Seventeenth-Century China.” Late Imperial China 43, no. 2 (2022): 1–42.#书籍史余欣对清中后期浙江龙游县的家谱生产与地方政治关系的研究:Yu, Xin. “Local Politics and Book Production: The Popularization of Genealogies in Southern China, 1750s–1920s.” Late Imperial China 43, no. 2 (2022): 43–88.#书籍史 ;#军事史Sau-yi Fong对活跃于19世纪上半叶的福建籍军事人物丁拱辰的研究:Fong, Sau-yi. “War and Technology: Ding Gongchen and His Cannon Practice Manuals.” Late Imperial China 43, no. 2 (2022): 89–137.#边疆史 ;#知识史Anne-Sophie Pratte对19世纪后期总理衙门绘制 #喀尔喀蒙古 地图的研究:Pratte, Anne-Sophie. “Mapping Pasturelands: The Production of Geographical Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Qing Mongolia.” Late Imperial China 43, no. 2 (2022): 139–78.@Qingist #HistorianNews #外刊鸟瞰

[2023-01-19 19:04:11] [email protected]: @plausistory @Qingist @lecture 葛老是真的好喜欢这个议题。

[2023-01-19 17:18:59] [email protected]: 【 #講座信息 】葛兆光:古代中國認識“世界”的曲折歷程,2023-02-08 16:30,ZOOM(需要報名)主講人: #葛兆光 教授主辦方: #香港教育大学 人文学院日期:2023年2月8日(三)時間:下午4:30 – 6:30形式:面授及線上 (Zoom網絡研討會)地點:D1-LP-03 及網上 Zoom主持人: #鄭吉雄 教授報名網址:https://www.eduhk.hk/fhm/tc/event/public-lectures-on-chinese-history-and-culture-2023內容提要:這一講討論 #傳統中國 有關世界認識的變化。傳統時代“以中國為中心,以四裔為附庸”認識世界的觀念,很早就已經萌芽,秦漢統一之後,這一觀念在公元前二世紀的《史記》中,更有了全面的表述。在此後的兩千多年中,雖然曾有過四次雖然可能卻終未實現的改變契機,一直到十九世紀中葉 #西潮東漸 之後,這一世界觀念才出現根本動搖,近代的新的世界觀念,終於成為常識並進入教科書,取代了傳統中國的世界觀念。@Qingist @lecture

[2023-01-07 16:46:16] [email protected]: 《欧洲汉学学会学刊》第3卷(2022年)已经上线:https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/jeacs/issue/view/594本卷主题为「视觉影像」,包括多篇关于城市、地理、景观之图像的论文。如Xin Yu 《明代方志中的府州縣景致研究》,Sander Molenaar 《給海洋定位:明清時期沿海方志的視覺及社會分析》等。刊尾附有2021年在欧洲各研究单位答辩的博士论文题目一览。全刊内容均为开放获取。@Qingist #外刊鸟瞰 #HistorianNews

[2023-01-04 22:38:30] [email protected]: @Qingist 国家图书馆发布1075部,包括年谱(676部)、目录(399部)。http://read.nlc.cn/thematDataSearch/toGujiIndex天津图书馆本次发布馆藏稿抄本文献165种655册。http://lswx.tjl.tj.cn:8001/南京图书馆发布“清人文集数据库”,目前共收录清人文集399种。云南省图书馆此次发布资源为馆藏善本63部381册, 图像50604拍。http://msq.ynlib.cn/苏州图书馆本次新增发布馆藏古籍数字资源888部。https://fzk.szlib.com/book/index中山大学图书馆发布碑帖数据库现收录馆藏碑帖4196种1万余幅,类型主要有碑碣、画像石、石经、墓志、造像、摩崖等,读者可以通过题名、责任者、刻石年代、出土地点等检索相关碑帖图像,支持前方一致检索。https://sztc.sysu.edu.cn/

[2023-01-04 20:22:25] [email protected]: 01/04/23: Six Chinese libraries, including National Library of China, announces 6786 titles released in their online database of rare books. More details (Wechat Article): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-JRaotLA5ydV963ZkRNclQ@Qingist#histodons #digitalhumanities #Chineserarebooks

[2023-01-04 20:15:24] [email protected]: IHP Academia Sinica adds 452 titles in its online database of Chinese rare books on Dec. 14, 2022. The access is full-text image. Login is required. See the post page for details and catalog: https://ihparchive.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/ihpkmc/ihpkm_op?%21%21NI%5E4e45303030303030303130@Qingist#histodons #digitalhumanities #Chineserarebooks

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