这是一个关于 Sondheim 的群组,关注以获取群组推送,引用可以分享到群组。
I'm a group about Sondheim. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group.
回复时删除群组引用可以避免打扰到关注群组的大家 ~
Please delete the group tag in reply, thank you ~
创建新群组可以 搜索 或 引用 @新群组名@ ovo.st。
Create other groups by searching for or tagging @[email protected]
[2023-01-13 21:25:09] [email protected]: [围观] - 转发 @去剧场看戏才是正经事 : #SweeneyTodd :icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/6964215143/Mo29GDIK4#StephenSondheim @Sondheim
[2022-12-31 21:25:07] [email protected]: I got through all of last year.:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/6964215143/Mma7Ny8bg#StephenSondheim @Sondheim
[2022-12-24 21:35:28] [email protected]: @Sondheimism @Sondheim 请问到时候网上哪里可以看 :ablobcatcry:
[2022-12-17 21:25:12] [email protected]: Merrily We Roll Along复排官宣要上宽啦~:icon_weibo: https://weibo.com/6964215143/MjTGeAhYW#StephenSondheim @Sondheim