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[2022-06-22 20:25:09] [email protected]: #第75届托尼奖 Forever:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:20] [email protected]: Repost- 转发 @剧焦Theatre : #桑德海姆 说:“每一代人都可以做不同的改编……剧场的生命力正是在于‘不同’,不仅仅是演员不同,也在于观点的不同。我们要改变的不仅仅是那个人称代词,而是态度。”PBS制作纪录片《与桑德海姆作伴》,讲述性转版《伙伴们》(Company)的故事。发布了头条文章:《性转版《伙伴们》二三事》 :sys_link: 性转版《伙伴们》二三事 :icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:14] [email protected]: [求关注] - 转发 @假装很懂音乐剧 : 【桑德海姆音乐剧《小夜曲》新复排阵容】“人鱼姐”等众星加盟 [抱一抱] 此次复排由Julianne Boyd执导,计划于8月6日至28日在Boyd-Quinson Stage演出。Emily Skinner, Jason Danieley, Sierra Boggess, Mary Beth Peil将在剧中分别饰演Desiree, Frederick, Charlotte和外婆。更多卡司信息见图。这部极其优美动听的桑德海姆经典作品曾在1973年斩获包括最佳音乐剧与最佳词曲在内的六项托尼奖,复排版值得期待。 #装懂音乐剧 :icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:14] [email protected]: Wouldn't it be funnier to go and watch a funeral:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:14] [email protected]: Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:14] [email protected]: This is where we began,Being what we can.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:10] [email protected]: 《刺客列传》后续- 转发 @澎湃新闻 : 【曾对美国前总统里根连开六枪,枪手欣克利将重获“自由”】 #刺杀里根未遂枪手将被无条件释放 6月1日,美国联邦法官宣布刺杀美国前总统里根未遂的枪手欣克利,将于6月15日被无条件释放,届时针对他的相关限制措施将被解除。欣克利现年67岁,1981年他在华盛顿一酒店外连开6枪,击中里根致其肺部穿孔。1982年,欣克利因精神错乱被判无罪,随后被送往精神病医院接受治疗。2016年,他被获准出院,但被要求在一系列限制措施下与母亲一起生活。 :sys_link: :sys_video: 澎湃新闻的微博视频 :icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-10 20:25:07] [email protected]: And I'll stayCozily hiding by dayDuring the day I'll resignWaiting 'til you go away:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-07 20:25:10] [email protected]: All things beautiful must die.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-03 20:25:10] [email protected]: Repost- 转发 @四海一家演艺汇 : 【阿灵顿签名剧院演出季将推3部桑德海姆作品!】 [太开心] [太开心] 阿灵顿签名剧院(Signature Theatre)日前公布了其2022-2023年演出季规划,预计将连续推出三部已故词曲作家斯蒂芬·桑德海姆音乐剧作品的复排,已纪念剧院和桑德海姆保持的长期合作。剧院艺术总监Matthew Gardiner将于2022年11月8日至2023年1月29日在MAX剧院执导《拜访森林》;艺术副总监Ethan Heard将于2023年3月7日至4月9日在MAX剧院执导《太平洋序曲》;剧院还将于2023年5月16日至7月9日上演《理发师陶德》。在此次演出季之前,阿灵顿签名剧院已经总共制作了31部桑德海姆音乐剧作品,数量是北美剧院之最。今年演出季除桑德海姆作品之外,还将推出两部音乐剧以及两部新剧,包括《No Place to Go》《Which Way to the Stage》等。 #全球演出市场大事件 #桑德海姆 [鼓掌] [鼓掌] :icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-03 20:25:10] [email protected]: Soon it will be boom- squish!:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-06-03 20:25:08] [email protected]: I see a terrible depression all over the town.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-05-26 20:25:24] [email protected]: We were nice,Kids and cities and trees were nice,EverythingI don't know who we are any more,And I'm starting not to care.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-05-26 20:25:24] [email protected]: So drab, so cold. And so controlled. No life.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-05-26 20:25:23] [email protected]: #520 分享Stephen Sondheim/John Treacy Egan的单曲《Multitudes of Amys》: :sys_link: (来自 @网易云音乐 ):icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-05-26 20:25:23] [email protected]: Oh, Georgie, how I long for the old view.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-05-26 12:48:46] [email protected]: [CW] 唱了(悄悄 Everybody wants to be Sondheim

@Sondheim Everybody wants to be Sondheim but me.Everybody wants to be Sondheim /but me.So they try to write a melody
That goes somewhere unexpectedly
and they think that's how you get to be Like Sondheim.Listen as they hammer out one chord.
Listen as they hammer it 'til everyone’s bored.
That's the way they pray to their lord,
Mr. Sondheim.And they pack their lyrics 'til they're so damn dense
You could put 'em in your yard / you could use 'em for a fence,
And they honestly believe / they have captured the sense Of Sondheim.Well, I want to be Oscar Hammerstein.
I want to be Cole Porter.
What's wrong if a song is prettier
or clearer Or shorter?Everybody wants to be Sondheim but me.
Everybody wants to be Sondheim /but me.And so they offer no relief
From Sturm and Drang and angst and grief,
And all their grief is never brief,
Oh, no.Listen as they hammer out one chord.
Listen 'til you're ready for a lunatic ward.
No wonder Sweeney Todd went out of his gourd,
Mr. Sondheim.(Extra 4)Where you goin'?
Goin' bananas.
Oh.I want to be Richard Rodgers.
maybe Jerry Herman.
What’s wrong if I'm writing songs
For the ghost of Ethel Merman. 
(She's got rhythm.)Everybody wants to be Sondheim today.ButI don't want to be Sondheim - no way.
I don't want to write another Sun-day in the Park.
I don't want to write the next Into the Woods.
I admire his style,
But his style is his, not mine.And yet\ the epidemic can't be curbed.
Even Stephen would be disturbed
To see what he has spawned universally.
'Cause everybody wants to be Sondheim.
Everybody wants to finish the hat.
Everybody wants to be Sondheim but...yours truly.Everyone wants to assault your ear.
Don't send in the clones - they're already here.
Everyone wants to be Sondheim,
Primed every time to rhyme internally,
() Everyone's coming up Sondheim but/ me.

[2022-05-26 11:51:53] [email protected]: 今日的mental repairing :te_016: Everybody's Got the RightAssassins2004 Tony award performance#sondheim @Sondheim

[2022-05-15 20:25:08] [email protected]: Running away - we'll do it.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

[2022-05-15 20:25:08] [email protected]: Laugh at the king or he'll make you cry.:icon_weibo: @Sondheim

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