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[2024-10-23 17:43:39] [email protected]: @[email protected] 👀小号+1

[2024-10-23 16:55:50] [email protected]: 实用型表盘,看看你的 @[email protected]

[2024-10-23 16:53:54] [email protected]: @[email protected] 最近生意大好,抽两个uu免费算三张牌!uu们私信我问题+转发此条就好!如果觉得准则可以帮我多多推荐😘😘💫😉这条是抽奖,平常价位是19.9/3张牌~

[2024-10-23 16:09:28] [email protected]: @david @KuteboiCoder @laoxong @board @natsuki @backrunner 😅

[2024-10-23 16:06:53] [email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability is a 2003 book by American legal scholar Amy Chua. It is an academic study of ethnic and sociological divisions in the economic and political systems of various societies. The book discusses the concept of "market-dominant minorities", which it defines as ethnic minority groups who, under given market conditions, tend to prosper, flourish, and dominate economically, often significantly, over other, often ethnic majority groups in the country.[1]The concept of market-dominant minority was introduced by Chua in a 1998 paper Markets, Democracy, and Ethnicity.[2] In the Philippines, Chua notes that the Chinese community comprise one percent of the population but control 60 percent of the private economy, with the result being resentment on the part of the Filipino majority against the Chinese minority creating an ethnic conflict. Similarly, in Indonesia the Chinese Indonesian community make up three percent of the population but control 75 percent of the economy. Similar patterns occur throughout other Southeast Asian economies.Chua gives examples of the concept that she calls ethnic "market-dominant minorities" such as the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia; European diasporas throughout Latin America and Africa; Israeli Jews in Israel and the Middle East; Russian Jewish Oligarchs in post-Communist Russia; Croats in the former Yugoslavia; Overseas Indians in East Africa, Overseas Lebanese in West Africa and Mexico, and the Yoruba, Igbos, Kikuyus, Tutsis in Nigeria, Kenya, and Rwanda.[3] In the book, Chua discusses different reasons for the market dominance of different groups. Some groups inherited market dominance because of colonial legacies and apartheid. In other cases, it may be due to the culture and family networks of these groups. For many groups there is no clear single explanation.[4]

[2024-10-23 16:04:28] [email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a book by American author and law professor Amy Chua that was published in 2011.[1][2] It quickly popularized the concept and term "tiger mother".The complete blurb of the book reads: "This is a story about a mother, two daughters, and two dogs. This was supposed to be a story of how Chinese parents are better at raising kids than Western ones. But instead, it's about a bitter clash of cultures, a fleeting taste of glory, and how I was humbled by a thirteen-year-old."[3]

[2024-10-23 16:02:29] [email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] 2011年,蔡美兒出版《虎媽的戰歌》,回顾了她對兩個女兒的教育方式,并阐释她眼中的東亞式教育和美式教育的差异。2011年1月8日,华尔街日报節錄該書段落,登出文章《为什么華人妈妈更胜一筹?》一文[4],引起美国公众震动,赞许和非议不断,一时成为热门话题。《虎媽的戰歌》也因此被譯為30種語言,成為國際暢銷書。蔡美兒的史學和政治學著作《虎媽對全球化的預言:輸出自由市場與民主政治會換來種族仇恨和世界動盪》、《大國興亡錄:全面透析歷史上羅馬、唐朝、蒙古等8個超級大國的起落興衰》和《政治部落:群體本能與國家命運》也廣受關注。[5][6][7][8][9][10]

[2024-10-23 16:00:47] [email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] 蔡美兒出生於美国伊利諾伊州尚佩恩,父親為著名的「蔡氏電路」發明人蔡少棠教授,祖籍福建省泉州晉江(他是中菲混血常來人)。她原本在哈佛大學主修應用數學,後轉系主修經濟學,畢業後進入哈佛法學院取得法律博士學位。2001年,她在杜克大學法學院任教七年後,转入耶魯大學,成為耶魯法學院教授。在开始教学生涯中之前,她在佳利律師事務所执业。她的專長是國際商業交易、法律與發展、種族衝突、全球化與法律。[3]

[2024-10-23 16:00:02] [email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] 蔡美儿(英語:Amy Lynn Chua;1962年10月26日—),美國華裔律師、作家,耶鲁大学法学院「小約翰·M. 達夫」(John M. Duff Jr.)法学講座教授;國際暢銷書《虎媽的戰歌》作者;2011年《時代》雜誌百大影響力人物,美國《大西洋月刊》勇敢的思想家之一,美國《外交政策雜誌》全球外交政策思想家之一[1][2]。

[2024-10-23 15:33:28] [email protected]: @board 在思考是不是应该重构项目架构,让他成为一个通用的同步器,但是想想除了毛象和bsky好像也没有什么别的平台需要同步了。https://github.com/CurtainTears/mastodon-bluesky-sycn

[2024-10-23 14:54:02] [email protected]: @board 看到有香油,有订阅gpt plus的问题。在这里分享几个购买方式。1.有iPhone的话,可以自己注册一个美区id,去支付宝(修改地区为美国)可以用国内卡买美区礼品卡。20🔪大概150左右,然后AppStore内购。美区礼品卡的另外购买方式(需要有国内外币卡)https://blog.skylershu.com/post/apple-gift-card2. play商店内购,美区即可,绑定国内外币信用卡。3.play商店内购,地区选择泰国,新加坡等地方支持银联卡(需要缴纳10%~20%的额外消费税即等值22-24美元)。

[2024-10-23 14:35:24] [email protected]: @board 想问问有没有象友上油管家庭版合租车的?一年40,翻车按比例退。

[2024-10-23 14:33:08] [email protected]: @board 用国内的信用卡支付gpt plus老是被拒绝,记得之前有香油在board发过相关的拼车但是忘记转嘟找不到了T T,求一个可靠的gpt plus拼车渠道 :blobcatmeltcry:

[2024-10-23 14:29:58] [email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] 很高兴被介绍。

[2024-10-23 13:50:56] [email protected]: @KuteboiCoder @board 😃给大家介绍个新朋友

[2024-10-23 11:11:34] [email protected]: @board 现在长毛象支持cloudflare captcha了吗?

[2024-10-23 11:00:08] [email protected]: 帮朋友出票:这周日10月27日伦敦MCM漫展普票,原价23镑出,12点入场,有意可私聊@board

[2024-10-23 10:27:10] [email protected]: @board 如果实例已经关闭了还有办法导出账号里的内容吗?

[2024-10-23 10:10:03] [email protected]: 有用过dudu.best站点的香油吗?最近登录不上了是维护还是彻底关闭了呀 :11133: @board

[2024-10-23 09:44:04] [email protected]: [CW] 转载:一位伊朗翻墙爱好者总结的一些翻墙工具

知识分享官 @knowledgefxg无意中逛GitHub发现了一位伊朗翻墙爱好者总结的一些翻墙工具项目中包含一些翻墙代理工具,以及一些免费vps,免费域名等等,可见在真正的互联网世界,所有渴望信息自由的人民都是同一战线。https://github.com/hiddify/awesome-freedom鄙人评论:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”不只是收藏知识,而是要尝试,实践,掌握不同的翻墙方法,以应对越来越严酷的网络封锁(The great fire wall)。“狡兔三窟”, 掌握了多种翻墙方法,当一种翻墙方法不行时,还可以使用其他翻墙方法。当然,终极翻墙是“肉身翻墙”。不过,对于暂时不能“肉身翻墙”的广大民众来说,掌握多种翻墙方法,确实有必要。比如,首先学会使用 VPN 翻墙,然后学会使用 VPN + TOR 翻墙,接着进一步学会在虚拟机内使用 VPN + TOR 翻墙。警告:如果 VPN 本身不安全,是蜜罐(honey pot),例如 老王 VPN 等等, 就算用 VPN + TOR 也无济于事。因此,尽可能选择免费、免邮箱、免注册的翻墙软件。避免中共翻墙软件的蜜罐。希望大家都可以安全、快乐、持续地翻墙, 自由地获取信息。生命不息,翻墙不止。Tor 中文指南 @tor4zhNew Release: Tor Browser 14.0by duncan | October 22, 2024https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-140/TOR 最新版本下载:https://www.torproject.org/download/附老生常谈:手机不安全,所以尽量避免在手机上使用;电脑是原装系统,不是中国品牌,没有安装任何中国软件,包括(但不限于):搜狗输入法、微信、QQ、抖音、TIKTOK, 等等。其实,如果设备(电脑、手机)本身硬件上有木马,安装了木马程序(搜狗输入法、微信、抖音等等),再安全的软件,也毫无作用。请各位方家指正,谢谢。#翻墙 #翻牆 #fanqiang #Tor #VPN(完)@board

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