dog 组 (@[email protected])

这是一个关于 dog 的群组,关注以获取群组推送,引用可以分享到群组。

I'm a group about dog. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group.

回复时删除群组引用可以避免打扰到关注群组的大家 ~
Please delete the group tag in reply, thank you ~

创建新群组可以 搜索 或 引用 @新群组名@。
Create other groups by searching for or tagging @[email protected]


[2022-05-07 08:05:40] [email protected]: 路过小狗🐕 #狗 @dog #dog

[2022-05-07 06:15:25] [email protected]: 为什么人类总是喜欢把嘴按在我的头上? :EveOneCat28:@dog

[2022-05-07 05:17:31] [email protected]: @dog 金毛真的是天使啊,看着他的眼睛会觉得被全身心地信任和爱着 :blobcatmeltcry: :blobcatmeltcry: :blobcatmeltcry:

[2022-05-06 10:53:01] [email protected]: @haruru @dog 太可爱了叭!

[2022-05-06 10:33:18] [email protected]: @haruru @dog 乖乖😆

[2022-05-06 10:30:39] [email protected]: @haruru @dog lovely dog

[2022-05-06 10:17:13] [email protected]: 四宫格找不同 :pblobwink: @dog

[2022-05-06 07:18:11] [email protected]: 有人问我妈怎么能拍到柴犬小时候的静态照片,答案是不能:下面请欣赏两年前“百分百拍不到静止清晰照片”的我 :ablobattention: @dog

[2022-05-05 23:41:18] [email protected]: @haruru @dog 好可爱啊!!但是也要刷牙!

[2022-05-05 22:38:32] [email protected]: 可是人家不想刷牙嘛! @dog

[2022-05-05 13:01:28] [email protected]: @haruru @dog 我狂rua!

[2022-05-05 12:58:22] [email protected]: @haruru @dog 😭😍😍

[2022-05-05 12:51:36] [email protected]: 怎么没人说我的头像可爱,自作主张发一下,完美体现了我的机智与狡黠 @dog

[2022-05-05 12:44:51] [email protected]: @dog 难道不是这么用的吗,怎么不转发人家 :EveOneCat20:

[2022-05-05 12:38:19] [email protected]: 小狗赏花,狗比花娇 :EveOneCat20: @dog

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