这是一个关于 game 的群组,关注以获取群组推送,引用可以分享到群组。
I'm a group about game. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group.
回复时删除群组引用可以避免打扰到关注群组的大家 ~
Please delete the group tag in reply, thank you ~
创建新群组可以 搜索 或 引用 @新群组名@ ovo.st。
Create other groups by searching for or tagging @[email protected]
[2025-01-20 15:52:18] [email protected]: @game #瘟疫公司 :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat:
[2025-01-20 14:37:37] [email protected]: #Plagueinc #瘟疫公司 @game 开了一局超难,最后成功被自己打败 :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat:
[2025-01-20 14:36:07] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game 又开始连胜挑战了 :blobfoxcatterrified: 期间只有一天休息天
[2025-01-20 09:51:17] [email protected]: #董圣千古 @game 我玩黑神话,但不玩米哈游,因为这些梗纯粹是为了玩梗而玩梗。家长不让玩游戏的梗也是。如果米哈游的梗出得比新闻更快,那才是有点东西🤔 #游戏品鉴
[2025-01-19 14:32:35] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game 成为了精英😎
[2025-01-18 11:55:36] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game 离精英还差一点🥹
[2025-01-18 11:55:03] [email protected]: #PokemonSV @game 出了两个 :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat:
[2025-01-18 09:57:28] [email protected]: @game #PokemonSleep 昨天没有关闹钟,早上6点响了,睡眠时间亏爆 :blobcatcry: :blobcatcry: :blobcatcry:
[2025-01-17 23:09:57] [email protected]: @game #PTCGPocket 快凑出一个精英桌垫了
[2025-01-17 08:32:07] [email protected]: #PokemonSV @game :apartyblobcat:
[2025-01-17 08:03:05] [email protected]: @game #PokemonSleep
[2025-01-14 19:58:55] [email protected]: @game 今天牌运不行,不适合抽卡
[2025-01-14 14:25:43] [email protected]: @game switch2发布了 :apartyblobcat:
[2025-01-14 14:21:35] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game 这张稀有度不高,换券不够多
[2025-01-13 12:18:33] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game 这么夸张的吗?🥹
[2025-01-13 01:09:20] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game
[2025-01-12 16:14:48] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game
[2025-01-11 23:12:35] [email protected]: #PTCGPocket @game 今天一天