kanjani 组 (@[email protected])

这是一个关于 kanjani 的群组,关注以获取群组推送,引用可以分享到群组。

I'm a group about kanjani. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group.

回复时删除群组引用可以避免打扰到关注群组的大家 ~
Please delete the group tag in reply, thank you ~

创建新群组可以 搜索 或 引用 @新群组名@ ovo.st。
Create other groups by searching for or tagging @[email protected]


[2022-07-15 09:13:52] [email protected]: 🐝@kanjani @kanjani8 @dczy

[2022-06-22 11:14:01] [email protected]: @kanjani https://youtu.be/Fb1gCmnjL3Q 好好哭😍

[2022-06-18 03:41:02] [email protected]: 我担!上班辣 :Pkmon45: @kanjani

[2022-06-14 18:17:39] [email protected]: @kanjani 不小心手机掉在桌子上自己截的图已经这么好看了

[2022-06-05 23:22:33] [email protected]: @kanjani 果酱又要有session啦​:0171:​

[2022-05-31 23:47:36] [email protected]: @kanjani 没能按时睡觉都怪泥巴 #関ジャニ喝采

[2022-05-24 06:30:39] [email protected]: @kanjani 😄好玩,这一集好像适应了不少呢。

[2022-05-24 00:54:24] [email protected]: @thrg @kanjani 发生了什么!

[2022-05-24 00:12:04] [email protected]: 是姐狗吗,是我想的姐狗吗🥰 #あとはご自由に @kanjani

[2022-05-15 23:11:49] [email protected]: 大倉くん、お誕生日おめでとう!#大倉忠義誕生祭 @dczy @kanjani

[2022-05-15 14:43:39] [email protected]: 橘娃喝橘粥@kanjani

[2022-05-10 08:28:32] [email protected]: @ranguee @kanjani笨笨前辈难怪骗不到钱

[2022-05-10 07:41:06] [email protected]: @kanjani 早上看FOD才大概知道说什么的了,前辈看起来又帅又笨👻

[2022-05-10 00:20:25] [email protected]: #あとはご自由に 我看了个啥?@kanjani

[2022-05-09 23:54:43] [email protected]: #あとはご自由に待机~@kanjani

[2022-05-09 07:52:54] [email protected]: @kanjani 🖤🎂🎉

[2022-05-06 21:13:47] [email protected]: @kanjani @dczy 网瘾少年习惯性动作

[2022-05-06 20:50:04] [email protected]: @kanjani 最后关头我tver卡了,截了个油管的

[2022-05-06 20:03:19] [email protected]: @kanjani 11~20

[2022-05-06 19:54:06] [email protected]: @ranguee @kanjani 谢谢果酱,我就靠一些时间缝隙中的ohkura活着😢

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