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[2024-08-20 01:04:07] [email protected]: [CW] 克礼:满洲受降礼的形成

#MacabeKeliher. “Ritual in the Early Modern World: Proliferation, State-Formation, and the Work of the Manchu Surrender Ceremony.” Journal of World History 35:3 (2024): 377–406.Abstract:#Ritual permeated the early modern world. While historians have explored ritual in regional and national contexts, little work has made sense of it as a global phenomenon. As a consequence, scholars continue to give primacy to bureaucracies and militaries in accounts of #premodern state-formation. This article examines ritual in relation to early modern social and political developments, especially territorial expansion and increasing interactions. It argues that as polities contracted and empires expanded rulers relied on ritual just as much as institutional and administrative measures. Ritual was a key mechanism to do the work of inclusion and social organization in #governance and territorial expansion. In order to begin to theorize what ritual did and how it did it, the article turns to an empirical case study of the #Manchu surrender ceremony in the mid-seventeenth century. Through a close examination of the rite and its political and social background the article shows how ritual did the work of constructing and reconstructing social and political orders in the context of expanding #empires in a quickly changing world. Ritual, it is argued, constructed social orders and created subjunctives that helped political actors navigate fraught political and social relations.#Qing #China #Chinesehistory @newqinghistory

[2024-08-06 22:15:15] [email protected]: [Conference News] In Aug. 10-11 (Sat. - Sun.), Renmin University of China #RUC is hosting a large conference on the formation and practice of the "Grand Unity" conception in #China, involving a lot about the rulership and governance of #Qing dynasty. I am presenting my paper on the defensive turn of Qing political culture in early #19thcentury from the case of Emperor Jiaqing's imperial tour to Mukden. I appreciate anyone interested in my paper, but I guess the more important thing is the keynote speech part -- look at the keynote speakers! You can find more information in this page: #qinghistory #historians @histodon @newqinghistory

[2023-05-10 16:48:23] [email protected]: [ #podcast ] #PamelaCrossley : History and Identity in #Qing Imperial Ideology Pamela Crossley (Charles and Elfriede Collis Professor of History at Dartmouth University); Yiming Ha (Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History, UCLA). Transcript: @Qingist @newqinghistory (Thanks for sharing from @weictsai !)

[2023-04-26 10:15:32] [email protected]: 【#讲座信息 】杨念群:“ #大一统 ”——一个中国 #历史理论 的核心观念,2023-04-29 北京时间20:00 (美东时间8:00),ZOOM (需要报名)。题目:“大一统 ”:一个中国历史理论的核心观念主讲人: #杨念群评议人: #欧立德 ( #MarkElliott )主持人: #孙江时间:2023-04-29 北京时间20:00,美东时间上午8:00。注册网址: @newqinghistory @Qingist #中国史 #清史#政治文化

[2022-09-19 15:41:15] [email protected]: 汪荣祖对钟焓《清朝史的基本特征再研究》一书的英文书评,于2021年12月9日发表于《文史哲》杂志社的英文刊 Journal of Chinese Humanities 上。Wong (汪榮祖), Young-tsu. ‘Zhong Han’s Critique of the New Qing History’. Journal of Chinese Humanities 7, no. 1–2 (9 December 2021): 201–11.该刊为开源期刊,文章可免费阅读、下载。#反新清史 @newqinghistory

[2022-05-30 21:42:36] [email protected]: 簡言之,「帝國主義亡我之心不死。」--张光耀 | 清代边疆族群的“国家认同”和“中国认同”研究述评Link:尽管清代边疆族群普遍认同中国,但清末外蒙等边疆地区也发生了分裂活动,从边疆族群“中国认同”的角度对相关现象又该如何理解?张永江认为,权利、义务上的巨大差异,弱化了藩部作为国家整体的有机组成部分的功能,并由这种‘优待’造成了藩部在国家政治经济体系中处于某种游离和不确定状态,从而弱化了中央与藩部的统属关系。同时,在另一方面却强化了皇帝与各民族上层统治者之间的个人—封建关系。这种关系的颠倒,在当时的体制之下影响并不明显。而一旦国体转轨,帝制倒台,其消极作用便充分展示出来(《清代藩部研究——以政治变迁为中心》,黑龙江教育出版社,2014年,第266—267页)。同时,他又指出:至于清末及民国时代的外蒙和西藏的分离运动,主要不是来自体系内的冲突,而是俄国、英国等文明对手的操控(《礼仪与政治:清朝礼部与理藩院对非汉族群的文化治理》)。@newqinghistory

[2022-05-02 22:19:50] [email protected]: @aedreist @newqinghistory 似乎程美宝也有类似观点

[2022-05-02 21:12:04] [email protected]: Source: in politics: a “battle” of identity historical narratives between Chinese and Anglophone academiaABSTRACT:This article discusses an important political conflict of historical knowledge between Chinese and Anglophone academia. By exploring divergent perspectives either on long-term and coherent narratives of China or short-term and differentiated narratives of China through the founding issues of Historical Review (Lishi pinglun) established by the Chinese Academy of History in 2020, this article illustrates a ‘battle’ of narratives derived from different regimes of historical knowledge, either officially institutionalized in contemporary China or unofficially constituted in Anglophone academia. Specifically, by critically evaluating the discursive constructions of identity-driven historical narratives of both sides, this article gives a serious consideration to the Historical Review’s mission against the deconstructionist historical narratives. In so doing, I argue that even if it is true that the Historical Review contributors are nationalists and thus help radicalize Chinese nationalism, the liberalist deconstructionist historians of China in English academia are not free from the same types of ‘political contaminations’ by lighting the excessive fires of China bashing.Link: #新刊论文#历史 #新清史

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