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[2024-06-10 03:01:04] [email protected]: @toronto 现在Harbourfront Center有Doreen Wittenbols的特展,特展的一部分International Passport Paintings观众可以网上预约15分钟即可得到艺术家免费的速写portraits, 所有的速写都会挂在墙上展览直到结束会寄到你家。刚刚体验了一下只能说做模特真的不容易啊展览链接:

[2024-06-07 10:01:14] [email protected]: @toronto 免费送两张木兰的套票,可以看这周日的白塔之光和下周三贾樟柯的看台,有兴趣的滴滴我 :usamaru071:

[2024-06-06 14:23:46] [email protected]: @board @toronto 请问各位象友:坐标🇨🇦,想知道问pronoun为they的同学的生理性别会冒犯到对方吗?如果会的话感受到冒犯的原因是什么?背景:是同年级同学但没有见过面,是社交媒体上点赞之交的关系,因为要一起参加一个活动对方主动提出可以让我搭ta的顺风车,我处于安全原因想知道对方的生理性别。

[2024-06-04 00:53:18] [email protected]: @toronto Madame Saigon (midtown) 好好吃,来了可能有五次了,每次点的都好吃,分量也足。

[2024-06-03 23:57:36] [email protected]: The one and only Kai Cheng Thom要來TPL做book talk了。在我無數黑暗的日子裡是她的詩拯救了我🥹💕希望能有更多的人知道她,都能被她的愛和溫柔打動@toronto

[2024-06-02 01:41:50] [email protected]: TTC workers and LCBO workers are gearing up to lead the fight for public services and good jobs in our communities. @torontoSuccessive governments have intentionally underfunded our public services. But it does not have to be this way. That’s why we are turning this Tuesday’s Justice for Workers Toronto meeting into a Special Assembly to organize with TTC and LCBO workers to fight back against cuts to our public services.Why are TTC workers going on strike?The TTC is the least publicly subsidized transit system in all of North America. And in the absence of federal, provincial and municipal funding, riders are left to shoulder the burden of funding the TTC through fare increases. This unstable funding model is overly dependent on ridership and has resulted in TTC workers scrambling to do more with less in order to keep the TTC functioning safely and reliably.Enough is enough. TTC workers, members of ATU Local 113, are sounding the alarm: we must improve staffing, guarantee services levels, and reinvest in maintenance and safety. Please send an email to TTC chair Rick Leary and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow to show your support for TTC workers and to keep the TTC public:’s at stake with the privatization of the LCBO?The LCBO generated $2.5 billion in government revenue for Ontario in 2023. Yet Premier Doug Ford is fast-tracking the privatization of alcohol in order to transfer these billions from public revenue to corporate profits. (To put it into perspective, the 2024 TTC operating budget is just slightly more than $2.5 billion dollars).参与组织行动:支持TTC工人线上行动:

[2024-05-28 22:52:04] [email protected]: @toronto 多伦多有没有什么免费的英文debate community/training group…

[2024-05-25 11:12:36] [email protected]: @toronto @friend 多伦多天气回暖,我想多多进行室外社交活动,因此出来征友 :2323234: 关于我:顺性别女,AROACE,一般二次元同人女,比较社恐,非常喜欢狗的无狗人士,活动范围大致在多伦多北部。因为今年六七月都会比较空,希望能有一起出门进行室外活动的同伴 :bc005: 虽然那么说但其实不知道有什么室外活动可以做 :aru_0190: 如果有人想要去公园玩或者射箭可以找我一起 :aru_0160:

[2024-05-20 21:25:51] [email protected]: @toronto 8.18 摇一个香油去看childish gambino和willow!

[2024-05-16 18:35:38] [email protected]: @toronto 多伦多去哪里买蓝光影碟呀?特别是90年代港台电影

[2024-05-15 08:55:16] [email protected]: @toronto号召炒了TTC CEO的petition。目前有1800人签名。不知道能不能成功,但先让媒体注意到吧。让这个老白男ceo先滚!

[2024-05-15 08:39:22] [email protected]: @toronto 多伦多DT有象友想一起玩飞盘吗?可以在周中傍晚日落前or周末找公园一起快乐奔跑! :ablobattention: (俺是运动白痴(朋友有飞盘限女生嗷!

[2024-05-08 00:26:34] [email protected]: @toronto 请有能力有心的朋友们帮帮小猫们!

[2024-05-06 09:20:23] [email protected]: @sapereaude @toronto 没有说是在 Humber Bay Park East 还是 West 👀

[2024-05-06 09:14:28] [email protected]: 在xhs刷到原来多伦多也有纪念李文亮医生的长椅👀 @toronto

[2024-05-04 01:03:47] [email protected]: 坐标加拿大安省,ATIO翻译也太乱了吧,不像BC有统一翻译名单就在那乱收费,问了一圈从75到100刀不等(驾照+驾龄两份文件),就挺无语……也来问问香油有没有推荐! @toronto @board

[2024-05-01 23:11:56] [email protected]: @sapereaude @toronto 太好了第一名!!希望最终也是第一名TT给其它任何一部都不配啊

[2024-05-01 23:11:07] [email protected]: @sapereaude @toronto 哇会现场放映获奖的电影吗 🤤 之前看到免费就顺手买了还以为只是颁奖呢

[2024-05-01 22:54:32] [email protected]: @toronto 多伦多的朋友,想看Yintah可以先购买Hot Docs 观众选择奖(5/5晚),虽然获奖名单当天可能才公布,但是昨天的投票第一名是Yintah。我觉得这部片真的很好,很有实力拿奖(没拿的话就是Hot Docs配不上这部片)

[2024-05-01 20:45:28] [email protected]: @toronto 虽然但是大家别去Type Books了,被爆老板很有钱买下了那栋楼,但是虐待员工。具体可以看IG @brokenbooksellers 的story highlight专门有很多前员工投稿揭露

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