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[2025-02-11 14:37:29] [email protected]: Violence is the only language that man understands. #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 11:13:16] [email protected]: 因“安全”而“可爱”,像猫、像狗、像花,可就不像一个活人。 #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 11:08:28] [email protected]: "她若是不需要你保护呢? 但他没这么问出来。因为“正常”的女真男人会很天真地反问:“这世上哪有不需要男人保护的女子呢?”" — 蒿里茫茫: 穿越成宋徽宗公主, p. 145典 #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 11:08:28] [email protected]: 典 #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 11:06:35] [email protected]: "“你想到了什么?”他哥问道。 “或许她失望至极,”完颜宗弼说,“我若有这样的父兄,我就不再视他们为我的血亲;我若有这样的同袍,我就不再视他们为我的同袍。” “你会投敌?” 完颜宗弼抬起眼,“若他们欺我辱我至此,我会投奔我的敌人,有朝一日,我还要领着敌人的军队前来,踏破故乡的城池,看他们恐惧哭泣的丑态。”" — 蒿里茫茫: 穿越成宋徽宗公主, p. 145#在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 10:42:48] [email protected]: #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 10:31:29] [email protected]: "有些人,甚至不乏女人,会对女人抱有这样或那样的问题。这背后是一种叫父权制的东西。我相信,你就读的学校一定不会讨论这个问题。然面,父权制依然是一种毫无必要的压迫性障得,需要人们尽快解决。" — Kelly Regan Barnhill: 当她化身为龙, p. 239@[email protected] #在读引用 #bookstodon #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill

[2025-02-11 10:11:05] [email protected]: “办女校损害了男学生求学”可真是环球同此凉热的“帮助女人等于伤害男人”呢 @[email protected] #在读引用 #bookstodon #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill

[2025-02-11 09:59:50] [email protected]: 恶心 #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill #在读引用 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 09:49:48] [email protected]: 一针见血的 #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill #在读引用 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 09:45:00] [email protected]: “乡愁是属于男人的奥德赛,逃离是刻进女性身体的史诗。” @[email protected] #在读引用 #bookstodon #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill

[2025-02-11 09:37:11] [email protected]: 丧偶的源头找到了,飞龙的原因找到了 #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill #在读引用 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 09:34:28] [email protected]: #当她化身为龙 #KellyReganBarnhill #在读引用 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-11 09:29:51] [email protected]: #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-08 11:53:18] [email protected]: "他们好色是真的,但也是以为小妇人孱弱;现在有这么一个连抄家灭族都不在乎的女刺客领着妇人们,他们忽然就又懂得“正人君子”怎么当了。" — 蒿里茫茫: 穿越成宋徽宗公主, p. 132Violence is the only language that man understands. #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected] #bookstodon

[2025-02-07 11:02:44] [email protected]: "他知道宋国孱弱,可他不知道哪一本佛经里写了弱国是合该被他侵略的——弱国的财富合该被他装车带回家去?弱国的女子合该被他欺辱?弱国的生民合该成为他的奴隶?" — 蒿里茫茫: 穿越成宋徽宗公主, p. 117#在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected]

[2025-02-07 10:52:31] [email protected]: #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected]

[2025-02-06 15:52:49] [email protected]: #在读引用 #蒿里茫茫 #穿越成宋徽宗公主 @[email protected]

[2025-02-05 01:51:46] [email protected]: The issue you hold in your hands is devoted to the magic of books. Books are teleportation devices, time machines, world engines, empathy generators, enliveners of minds, and invigorators of souls. The history of Christianity is, among other things, a history of books, from The City of God to the Summa Theologica to The Imitation of Christ, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Institutes of the Christian Religion, and Mere Christianity. And of course, God chose to bear the story of his relationship with his people and of his incarnation and ministry in the person of Jesus Christ in the Holy Book#reading @reading

[2025-02-04 11:27:32] [email protected]: At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬-‭30‬ ‭ESV‬‬#reading @reading

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