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[2024-07-15 12:57:18] [email protected]: #明亮的对话 #徐贲 @reading
[2024-07-13 11:07:41] [email protected]: “The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference, which is considered the birth of AI as a field of study.”@reading #reading
[2024-07-11 10:13:54] [email protected]: 云就像是天空的表情,但并不是一件可有可无的摆设。《云彩收集者手册》——每天醒来都能看到卧室窗外蓝色天空被大朵云彩占据,想看懂这些云!@[email protected]
[2024-07-10 04:18:56] [email protected]: Multitasking is a myth; deep work is the reality.Choose your priorities ruthlessly.Remember, where focus goes, energy flows.Direct your attention wisely.@reading #reading
[2024-07-06 03:18:06] [email protected]: Remember, it's not joy that makes us grateful, but gratitude that makes us joyful@reading #reading
[2024-06-28 22:37:22] [email protected]: 詩篇 23 🙏✝️@reading
[2024-06-28 09:11:13] [email protected]: @reading 各位在阅读自己专业之外的、较晦涩的书籍时,有什么好的能够促进理解的方法吗
[2024-06-28 02:34:25] [email protected]: 讀完一本書,當然是趕緊開下一本書『通識:學問的分類』 @reading
[2024-06-25 22:46:04] [email protected]: 《 太平广记》嵇康灯下弹琴。忽有一人。长丈馀。著黑单衣,革带。康熟视之,乃吹火灭之曰。耻与魑魅争光。@reading
[2024-06-23 03:01:31] [email protected]: 繼續讀『不成熟的父母』 @reading
[2024-06-21 02:17:40] [email protected]: "Apple Intelligence, by any other name, is this decade’s Apple monopoly tax."@reading
[2024-06-20 19:52:24] [email protected]: Fun fact of today: "MRI scans show that giving money to a food bank lights up the same pleasure center in our brain that responds to cocaine"@reading
[2024-06-20 01:43:39] [email protected]: @reading Galatians 2:14-21
[2024-06-16 16:32:51] [email protected]: In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro.你四處尋覓,慾得一席寧靜之地,但你只有在書海的一角才能找到它。@reading
[2024-06-07 11:49:03] [email protected]: #在光与万物背后〔诗选〕#马蒂亚斯·波利蒂基屋里如此静谧,如此静谧。窗外一棵树,在雪花飞落中变得苍白而沉寂——它的耳语热烈无声,在冬日最后的享受后窸窸窣窣这将要燃尽的火焰——屋里如此静谧,如此彻底的静谧:好像——投向记忆的一道目光,还有一个吻。——《四月,四月!》#CHATONLIVRE @reading